The data are intended as a general guide only, makes no guarantee of results and assumes no obligation or liability. 上列数据仕仅供参考,并不以此为承担任何责任和保证。
It becomes the most commonly used right for security purpose because it can satisfy the modern economy's need for guarantee of obligation and the need to use the collateral efficiently. 由于其能够同时满足现代经济对债权担保和担保物经济效用发挥的双重需要,因而已成为许多国家运用最为广泛的一种物的担保形式。
In order to guarantee the sustainable development of the human society, environmental law should show rational anthropocentric stand in legislative ideas, establish scientific development viewpoint in technological aspect of legislation, increase the provisions of obligation. 环境法应彰显理性的人类中心主义的立场,在立法理念层面上,树立科学的发展观,在立法技术层面上,厚筑环境义务之堤,以保障人类社会的永续发展。
Probing into the Guarantee Regulation of Non-government Audit Quality and the System of Legal Obligation 民间审计质量保证制度及法律责任制体系探索
And guarantee obligation is undoubtedly the core of the legal relation of guarantee system, in fact, the expansion of the legal relation of guarantee, which is around guaranteeing obligation and carrying on. 而保证责任无疑是保证法律关系的核心,保证法律关系的展开,实际上是围绕着保证责任而进行的。
However, because the legislative aim of Guarantee Law is to ensure the realization of creditor's rights, so, the regulation in many aspects of Guarantee Law demonstrates for the inclination of ensuring creditor's rights and aggravating guarantor obligation. 但是,由于担保法的立法宗旨是保障债权的实现,所以,担保法在许多方面的规定呈现出为保障债权而加重担保人责任的倾向。
According to the different kinds of guarantee provided by guarantor-credit of the guarantor and his general property, or some specified property-the guaranty of obligation can be divided into two categories-persona guaranty and res guaranty. 按照担保人提供的债的担保是担保人的信用以及一般财产,还是特定的财产,债的担保可以分为人的担保和物的担保。
The Guarantee insurers enjoy broader defense of the right than the Guarantor and they can obtain the right of subrogation in the name of their way of the "legal transfer" after their obligation performance of insurance. 保证保险人享有较保证担保人更为广泛的抗辩权,并且在履行保险义务后经法定受让的方式以自己的名义取得代位求偿权。
On the proposed frequency bias coefficient setting method, it could guarantee and improve frequency quality, harmonize grid and province dispatchs 'AGC action of, distribute area frequency regulation obligation fairly. 按照所提出的方法整定各区频率偏差系数可保证和提高系统频率质量,协调网、省调AGC动作,实现区域调频责任的公平分配。